
Individual work

Increasing the level of energy and motivation, densifying the Biofield, strengthening energy centers (chakras), increasing Potentials, healing from various diseases and much more.

Increasing the level of energy and motivation, densifying the Biofield, strengthening energy centers (chakras), increasing Potentials, healing from various diseases and much more.

How is individual work carried out?
+ examples and reviews

Since the beginning of time, there have been Knowers (Healers, Magi, Sorcerers) who were able to determine the causes of people’s problems at a subtle level and correct them. They did this with the help of special technologies that were passed on from generation to generation.

Individual work - increasing the Biofield, strengthening Tapas, increasing chakras, healing, horoscope correction and much more is carried out by me using special methods that were transmitted by the Great Teachers to help people.

Increasing the Age of NatureExamples of increasing AN - the main factor of high achievements.

My AN was increased to 19 years. I opened an accounting and auditing firm. My authority among colleagues and clients is constantly growing!

I worked as a chief accountant in a large company. I tried unsuccessfully to open my own business 5 times before that: dry cleaning, selling office supplies, a food kiosk, a repair team and a dating service. And none of these businesses lasted longer than half of a year. I thought: why is that so? After all, I’m cleverer than my bosses. I’m a professional, I do my job successfully. Why cannott I become a successful businesswoman? Valentin had a look at my situation and found out that my age is 13 years and I have never been a leader in my previous incarnations. Therefore, in this life there is no success in running my business. My AN was increased to 19 years. I opened an accounting and auditing firm. Today I conduct trainings on auditing, accounting here in Ukraine and abroad. I am constantly expanding and enlarging my company. My authority among colleagues and clients is growing all the time! Income increases! Many thanks to Valentyn! Best regards, Irina Zykova. Kyiv.

Irina Zykova
Owner of an accounting and auditing firm,

My AN was increased to 20 years and real miracles began to happen with me! Today, in August 2011, I am already a dollar millionaire!

Hello, Valentin Petrovich!
This is Georgy Hoffman. I was not a very successful businessman as you remember and I did not understand why was that. After my previous job as a top manager, I decided to open my own business. But it was not successful enough. After meeting with you, I knew that my AN is 16 years, and due to your terminology I am just a “Deputy”. I asked you to work with me so that the results would be significant and fast enough. I paid for everything at once and received a 50% discount! My AN was increased to 20 years and real miracles began to happen with me! At first things went slowly, and you warned me about that, then faster and more powerfully...

Today, in August 2011, I am already a dollar millionaire! Thank you!

Georgy Hoffman

Increase of the Tapas ChannelStrengthening the fiery energy of action and motivation, the desire to act without “kicks” from the outside, achieving more goals in less time.

1. I increased Tapas from 4mm (diameter) to 10mm to one man and he sold his car at the same day. The car, that he could not sell for several months!

2. One girl (3mm => 6mm) tidied up the house in one day (!). Although before that she couldn’t even start doing general cleanings for a couple of months.

3. One elderly woman (70 years old) has not felt well for a month.
After increasing the Tapas Channel, from 2mm to 7mm, she suddenly was able to go outside and enjoyed her walking in the nature without being tired.

4. One guy couldn’t have a date with a girl.
(he felt panic meeting them), and then (2mm => 10mm) immediately, at the same day (!) he dated
with 3 girls (got it!), and one girl dated with him.

5. Feedback from one girl involved in spiritual practices:
“I ordered an increase of the Tapas Channel from 3mm to 10mm - I felt an internal fire, as if all my resources, which had previously been in a dormant state, were activated. Surprisingly, this does not happen in a state of rest, but as soon as you start acting, you feel some kind of energy and motivation in the specific area. At the very first day, I got orders, my general condition improved, and vigor and stamina appeared.
I was quite inert all my life. So I had to force myself to do something or appropriate circumstances and people appeared. But it’s always much more pleasant when interest in action comes from within, and not from the forcement

6. One more example, and I think that’s enough for those who need examples.
(Young woman).
"Hello, Valentin
Thank you )
Yes, I can’t sleep until 2 am,
on drive))
And the little daughter woke me up at 5 in the morning and I had a feeling that I had already slept enough))
Yesterday even my husband said that I had turned on some kind of turbo mode.
Today I am in a high spirit. Thank you.

I will continue to monitor and report to you.
Valentin, greetings!
I give feedback)
I'm in turbo mode, I can't fall asleep for a long time and sleep little. And I feel that all other people are like super-slow turtles))

But my SMMers are not happy))
In my opinion, I have already strangled them with my hyper-activity))
They spend 4 hours looking for a photo for a post.
Valentin, yesterday I made 8 orders on the Internet in 20 minutes, but they couldn’t find one photo for 4 hours))

And there are more and more such responses!
For most people, the diameter of the Tapas Channel is 2-5 mm. Therefore, they need external stimuli, kicks, kicks.
And those who have Tapas 10mm or more do not need them at all.
They themselves achieve what they want, and can even inspire others.

Increasing the BiofieldExamples of increasing the Biofield.

One of my clients simultaneously suffered from a bunch of sores, infections, pain and other problems. About 30 (!). Plus all the nerves and nerves. She was shocked. She asked me for help.
I looked at her biofield. It was 15%. Very weakened! I raised her biofield density in installments, first to 60%, then to 120%. 80-90% of her sores simply went away on their own in 3 months! Now all that remains is to undergo massages, exercise equipment to strengthen the physical body, and take some medications. She saved several thousand dollars and is very happy today.

Valentina (67 years old), after increasing the biofield density from 8% to 60%, was completely cured of coronavirus. Over the course of two months, the condition stabilized in terms of other chronic ailments.

Money proportionThe example of increasing Money Ratio (MRP) to improve the financial sector.

One day, a woman, a psychotherapist and Reiki Master contacted me and said that her earnings had dropped sharply and unexpected expenses had appeared. She asked me to check why this is happening. I look at her energy and it is normal. Motives, goals and aspirations are also normal.
Fate must also send money.
What's wrong?

Then I checked the Criterion of Criteria, which includes all (I emphasize - all!) internal and external factors - Money Proportion (MP), which affects income and losses, spending money.
Her DP turned out to be + 2/- 98.

That is, the total internal and external strength and luck of favorable factors for the receipt of money is only 2% of all 100% of the factors influencing her financial situation, and the total strength and “luck” of interfering factors is as much as 98%!!!

It got to the point that one woman wanted to bring her child for a treatment session. She called 5 taxis and all 5 (!) were unable to come (refusals, breakdowns, traffic jams).
Another woman wanted to come for a consultation, but her child fell ill and she did not come.
All clients began to disappear.
She began to feel unwell.
Unforeseen expenses began.
Her son crashed into another car. And he had to give a lot of money to an injured person to repair his car.
And so on.

Similar factors are a very complex thing and there can be a lot of them and from all sides. You cannot calculate them easily: they are both karma, someone’s evil actions, a coincidence, and an epidemic, and much more.
And if you know how to work with definite factors and resolve them, then others will knock you down.
But if we know how to work with all the factors, gathering them in energetic and informational ways, even sometimes without knowing what these factors are, then we can reprogram the minuses into pluses, and the situation will change to a positive one!

I started doing this reprogramming for her in stages.
First I did + 30 to - 70.
And one client immediately arrived.
Then I did +50/-50.
Two more clients appeared, and one paid off a large debt.
Then I did +70/-30 and she got
2 rich clients with good payment for several months of work.
The process of improving the financial situation was launched! Her own well being has improved!
I didn’t increase + any further.
Because Rockefeller also had Money Proportion of +70/-30.

Цікаві статті

БіополеЩільне біополе – каркас для міцного здоров'я

Щільне біополе - каркас для міцного здоров'я, імунітет від коронавірусу, допомога для лікування від 95% інших захворювань та епідемій. А ще збільшення тривалості життя на 10-20-30 років.


Потенціал, як ми всі знаємо, - це внутрішній резерв, здатність реалізувати себе в якійсь сфері.
Так от потенціал у всіх на все різний.
Потенціал закладено в людину спочатку, тому є незмінним (але може бути збільшений великим Містиком).

Вік СутіНайголовніший фактор високих досягнень

У чому полягає секрет успіху та високих досягнень людини? Що приносить людям авторитет, могутність, славу? Виявляється, вони досягли всього завдяки високому Вік Сутності, тобто, великій внутрішній силі і масштабу, які у всіх людей різні.

Канал ТапасВогняна Енергія Дії

Тапас – це Вогняний Канал, канал надходження в людину вогненної енергії підвищеної активності, що стимулює на діяльність та реалізацію планів та цілей усі чакри, Канали, всі ресурси та здібності!

БіополеЩільне біополе – каркас для міцного здоров'я

Щільне біополе - каркас для міцного здоров'я, імунітет від коронавірусу, допомога для лікування від 95% інших захворювань та епідемій. А ще збільшення тривалості життя на 10-20-30 років.


Потенціал, як ми всі знаємо, - це внутрішній резерв, здатність реалізувати себе в якійсь сфері.
Так от потенціал у всіх на все різний.
Потенціал закладено в людину спочатку, тому є незмінним (але може бути збільшений великим Містиком).

Вік СутіНайголовніший фактор високих досягнень

У чому полягає секрет успіху та високих досягнень людини? Що приносить людям авторитет, могутність, славу? Виявляється, вони досягли всього завдяки високому Вік Сутності, тобто, великій внутрішній силі і масштабу, які у всіх людей різні.

Канал ТапасВогняна Енергія Дії

Тапас – це Вогняний Канал, канал надходження в людину вогненної енергії підвищеної активності, що стимулює на діяльність та реалізацію планів та цілей усі чакри, Канали, всі ресурси та здібності!