
Diagnostics and consultations

Full diagnostics (energy and astrological).
Consultations on any life situations. Help in solving problems.

Full diagnostics (energy and astrological).
Consultations on any life situations. Help in solving problems.

What do Diagnostics include and how are they carried out?
+ examples and reviews

Energy diagnostics includes viewing 7 chakras, 4 channels, energy problems, Biofield density, Age of Nature, 5 Potentials.
Answer to 2 vital questions.
Performed by the Clairvoyance method (more than 20 years of experience).
Approximately 1 hour, by phone or any messenger (WhatsApp, Viber, Facebook Messenger, Telegram).

Astrological diagnostics - drawing up a natal chart (horoscope) and its analysis in all areas of life. Recommendations for correction.
Answer to 2 vital questions.
Approximately 1 hour, by phone or any messenger (WhatsApp, Viber, Facebook Messenger, Telegram).

Very deep. Energy diagnostics, astrological diagnostics and
definition of 10 Potentials.
Answer to 3 vital questions.
Approximately 1.5 hours, by phone or any messenger (WhatsApp, Viber, Facebook Messenger, Telegram).

Diagnostics in different areas of life (health, relationships, self-realization, finances) are performed using energetic and/or astrological in-depth viewing of these areas.

A separate diagnostic of Potentials (10, 20, etc.) is also carried out to determine the inborn inclinations and chakras (7 main and 10 additional at your wish).

Energy diagnostics An example of energy diagnostics

Olga (36 years old). She has
problems in her personal life (not married, no children) and in business, complaints about her poor health and lack of energy. She doesn't know in which area to open a business. She tried to create a clothing design studio, managed to launch it, but the business was going very badly- orders were coming in, the clients liked the result, but for some reason the business was constantly stalled.

Diagnosis of the main 7 chakras
(norm 10 cm, for Anahata, Ajna, Sahasrara – 6 cm):

Muladhara (health) – 9 cm (good)
Svadhisthana (sexuality) – 6 cm (average)
Manipura (activity, money) – 10 cm (good)
Anahata (cordiality, love) – 2 cm (bad)
Vishuddha (creativity, eloquence) – 15 cm (very good)
Ajna (intention, will) – 3 cm (average)
Sahasrara (scale, latitude) – 2 cm (poor)

Channel Diagnostics
(norm 10mm):

Sat (social implementation) - 5mm (average)
Chit (consciousness, mind) - 8mm (not bad)
Ananda (joy, happiness, buzz) - 5mm (medium)
Tapas (internal fire, self-stimulation) - 3mm (weak)

The Age of Nature is 13 years old (“Teenager”)
% of working brain - 0.8% (normal 1%).
4 Angels (norm 3-4).
2 demons, 2 curses, 3 damage.


Family - 8 b. (not enough)
Business – 7 b. (not enough)
Money – 7 b. (not enough)
Cosmetology – 10 b. (not bad)
Clothing designer – 20 b. (Fine)

Olga has the chakras of sexuality and love covered, as well as Ananda channel, which may be one of the reasons for the difficulties in starting a family. Also, the chakras of intention and scale are covered and the Sat (social realization) and Tapas (self-stimulation) channels are badly open, which leads to difficulties in creating her own business. the Age of Nature is 13 years, which indicates a small scale. It is very difficult for such a person to create his/her own business, and even more to promote it (for this you should have the Age of Nature over 18 years old). Also, a woman has problems with her energy (demons, curses, damage), which leads to energy drain and frequent problems in her life. Low potential in the family sphere. This may also be the reason why marriage fails.
The same applies to the sphere of business and money. She has a very good potential as a clothing designer. It means this is exactly the area in which Olga will be able to build her business after increasing the indicators described above.

strengthen Svadhisthana, Anahata, Ajna, Sahasrara chakras up to 10cm (or, better, up to 15cm), Sat, Ananda, Tapas channels up to 10mm. Increase Age of Nature up to 18 years of age or more. Remove energy problems (demons, curses, damage). Increase Potentials in the field of family, business, money up to 20 (preferably 25) points.

What is the essence of people's problems?From the comments:

It’s so interesting, knowing all this, to see what the essence of different people’s problems is! For example, one of my friends is a director, she opened her own theater studio and wants to expand, go on tours abroad, etc. But the more she tries to scale, the more her health suffers. Often it comes to calling an ambulance or hospital. I recommended to find out her Age of Nature. And it was about 12-13 years old. I told her about the Age of Nature and why this was important. She would increase it, but she is very distrustful of working with energy. But it really true! Age of Nature has a big influence.

Diagnostics of chakras and channels. ReviewNow I know the causes of my problems and what exactly I need to work with.

I would like to thank Valentin Trayanskiy for diagnosing my chakras and channels.
Now I know the causes of my problems, and what exactly I need to work with to solve them.
I also know my strengths, which I can rely on.
Thanks to the diagnostics, I learned which chakras and channels require cleansing and expansion.
This was very valuable information for me.
After all, very often we try to change our lives for the better, we do something, but the result is not as fast as we would like to or with no result at all.
Because we are trying to eliminate the consequences, but we need to heal the causes.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the information!

Marina Antishko

Diagnostics of PotentialsExamples of potential diagnostics

Nadezhda, creating posts and stories in Instagram.
Story maker potential, video editing in the phone - 5 points (not enough).
She has completed many courses. And now she is looking for her clients. Things are not going very well, but she likes this activity.
If she increases her Potential, she will be able to achieve great results in this area in a quick way and start earning good money on it.

Ike is a healer, master of Reiki and the Sokaishi system.
Healer potential - 14 points (not bad).
He heals people, but is known only at the level of Facebook social network.
If he increases his Potential, he will be able to bring his activities to a professional level, to a huge number of people.
Example - Jesus has a Healing Potential of 74 points.

Tatyana, artist.
Potential for creating art objects and painting - 14 points (not bad).
Creative consciousness - 11 points (not bad).
If she increases his Potential, she can become a famous artist, creator.
Example - Leonardo da Vinci's potential for creativity is 65 points.
The whole world knows about him!

Lyudmila, a nurse.
Potential in medicine - 15 points (good).
Works as a nurse. If she increases her Potential, she will be able to become a professional doctor in demand in her chosen field.

Vladi, an ASMR blogger.
Potential in ASMR blogging - 14 points (good).
Records ASMR videos. If she raises her Potential, she will be able to promote her YouTube channel to a significant size and become a famous blogger.
For example, a blogger with a Potential of 30 points has her own YouTube channel with 2.03 million subscribers and from 400 thousand to 27 million views of each video.

Astrological diagnosticsHelp in understanding of the events that happen in life and the possibility of correcting them

Andrey contacted us about problems in finding a job. He had a traumatic brain injury. He is a former lawyer, businessman. Thanks to astrological diagnostics, it was possible to find out that he has a disaster horoscope, which must be corrected in order to avoid further problems.

Energy diagnosticsComplaints of lack of strength, emptiness, chronic fatigue

Anna complained of lack of strength, emptiness, and chronic fatigue. It turned out that her energy structure had a lot of problems (damage, curse), and her Biofield was very weakened - only 5% (the norm is 30-50%). Some chakras and channels were also covered. To recover, it was necessary to correct these problems, after which Anna was be able to begin to cope with other tasks independently.

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Потенциал, как мы все знаем, – это внутренний резерв, способности реализовать себя в какой-то сфере.
Так вот, потенциал у всех на всё разный.
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Потенциал, как мы все знаем, – это внутренний резерв, способности реализовать себя в какой-то сфере.
Так вот, потенциал у всех на всё разный.
Потенциал заложен в человека изначально, а потому является неизменным (но может быть увеличен крупным Мистиком).

Возраст СущностиГлавнейший фактор высоких достижений

В чем кроется секрет успеха и высоких достижений человека? Что приносит людям авторитет, могущество, славу? Оказывается, они достигли всего благодаря высокому Возрасту Сущности, то есть, большим внутренней силе и масштабу, которые у всех людей различны.

Канал ТапасОгненная Энергия Действия

Тапас – это Огненный Канал, канал поступления в человека огненной энергии повышенной активности, стимулирующий на деятельность и реализацию планов и целей все чакры, Каналы, все ресурсы и способности!